2024 Moomers Employee Flavor Contest 
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Which flavor is your favorite? *
Do you have any comments about your favorite flavor?
Which flavor is the most creative? *
Do you have any comments about the flavor you chose as the most creative?
Which flavor has the best name? *
Do you have any comments about the flavor you chose as having the best name?
Which flavor is your least favorite? *
Which flavor features the best use of ingredients? *
Do you have any comments about your least favorite flavor?
Do you have any comments about the flavor with the best use of ingredients?
Which flavor are you most likely to offer to house guests? *
Do you have any comments about the flavor you're most likely to offer to house guests?
Which flavor is most likely to have a town named after it? *
Do you have any comments about the flavor most likely to have a town named after it?
Which flavor is most likely to be stolen from your fridge by visiting family? *
Do you have any comments regarding visiting family ripping off your Moomers ice cream?
Which flavor is most likely to bring world peace? *
If you have any thoughts on world peace, now's your chance!
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