ECON 463 Enrollment Form
Please fill out this form if you want to enroll in ECON 463 Entrepreneurial Thinking and the Startup Experience for the Fall 2020 semester. It counts as one (1) elective credit, not towards any major or minor. It does not have any pre-requisites and is graded S/U.

You are encouraged to attend an information session on Wednesday, 8/26 7:30-8pm or Tuesday, 9/1 12-12:30pm. Physical location and Zoom link can be found on our events page:

If you have questions about the course, email Consult with your academic advisor if you have questions about your progress on academic requirements.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Gettysburg Email Address *
Class year *
Student ID Number *
Will you take ECON 463 as a 5th course? *
Please write your first and last name in the box below as a signature to confirm your enrollment in ECON 463. *
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