First Reconciliation and First Communion- Family Program:                                      Registration will close on Oct.12, 2022
This program is for children ages 7-11 (second through sixth graders) . This year we are excited to offer a comprehensive program through Signs of Grace presented by our own Pastor Fr. Sean Weeks, Fr. Joaquim Gracias, Deacon Efrain Razo and Sean Baba. The program is designed to engage parents and children to grow in faith as a family. The Parish will be offering textbooks, online content, engaging videos, and church tours. Meetings will be in-person and on Sundays (calendar will be provided soon).
                                       **Sunday Mass attendance and parent involvement is required**

We have limited seats. All St. Pius X registered parishioners will receive priority to register, all others will begin on a waitlist. Parish registration must have been received 90 days prior to the program. All new parish registrations will be placed on a waitlist. A registered parishioner/s at St. Pius means actively practicing  Stewardship (Time, Talent and Treasure).
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