2020国际桃李盃舞蹈大赛温哥华赛区 Group
活动时间:2020 年 2 月 9 日
活动地址:River Rock Show Theatre 8831, 8811 River Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 3P8
联系信息:778-898-0428 或 Binjiya.xu@gmail.com
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Correo *
舞者名單(名字請用逗號區隔)Name of Dancers *
參賽人數 Number of Dancer *
 參賽舞蹈名稱(中文 英文)Name of Dance(English and Chinese) *
年齡組別(按參賽選手的平均年齡計算)Age Categories
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 選手組別 Entry Level *
舞蹈時間長度 Length of Dance
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舞蹈類型 Dance Categories *
學校名稱 Name of the Dance School *
聯繫人电话号码 Contact Phone Number *
作品原創性 Original work *
編導或指導教師姓名 Teacher's Name
支付货币 Currency *
支付方式 Ways to pay *
我了解,2020國際桃李盃舞蹈大賽獨舞收費標準:小集體舞(4-10 人): 每人每隻舞CAD$70 or USD$50• 大集體舞 (11-24人): 每人每隻舞CAD$55 or USD$40• 剧目(25人以上): 每人每隻舞CAD$40 or USD$30。需​在January 8th 2020繳納全額費用,提交伴奏音樂,並提交視頻(僅供審查內容)。 ​February 9th 2020 ​正式比賽 。所有比賽團體及個人需在截至日前提交所需材料並出席活動,逾期不予處理! *
By typing in the contestant’s name in the box below, the contestant/legal guardian fully understands that contestants and teachers entering the Taoli World Dance Competition and all related classes / activities give their permission and consent to the organizers of Taoli World Dance Competition to use their images or photographs or appear in videos, television or any other electronic media for advertising, news coverage or any other commercial use of our events. Any performer competing in a dance competition takes certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to sprains, bruises, pulled muscles and broken bones. Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks. Therefore the contestants/instructors/parents/legal guardians will not hold Taoli World Dance Competition or any of its organizers, officers, directors, officials, staff or employees responsible for injuries, illnesses, or damages sustained while participating in any activity related to the Taoli World Dance Competition.                                所有參賽選手及指導老師授予“国际桃李盃”及其主辦單位其肖像權。如有意外情況,主辦單位及其工作人員不承擔任何責任。請在以下空格中填寫參賽者名字以表同意。 *Participants under 18 years of age must have this waiver authorized by a parent/guardian. In lieu of a signature, type name of consenting adult participant or parent/guardian below. 18歲以下參賽者,請放監護人姓名。 *
感謝您的參與,報名提交後5個工作日內會有工作人員與您聯系!Thank you for participating, we will contact you within 5 business days!
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