Internship Panel + Pizza Night
We will be hosting a panel of students that have done internships in the past and will share their experience with you! Afterwards there will be informal networking accompanied by free pizza in the Computer Science Department. If you have already done internships yourself, it would be great if you could come along as well to share your experience during the networking session.

This event is open to anyone affiliated with the University. The panel will consist of female speakers, but we specifically also welcome men to attend the panel and networking session!

When: 2nd of November from 6 - 9 pm (panel from 6 - 7)
Where: Lecture Theatre B (Wolfson Building, CS Department) + atrium

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What is your name?
Are you joining us for the panel (6 - 7 pm)? *
Are you joining for the pizza and networking after the panel? *
Do you have any dietary requirements for the pizza
Would you like to submit any questions for the panel? If so, please write your question below.

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