ML+X Presenter Application — Fall 2022-23
The goal of the monthly ML+X event is to allow researchers across different domains to unite based on common machine learning (ML) methodologies. The event features a series of short talks and group discussions on real-world applications of machine learning. Anyone who is applying machine learning in their work is welcome to present — especially students. Please see this google doc to review the methods-related questions that each talk should address:

This event is hosted by the ML Community ( The ML Community has a google group it uses to send reminders about its upcoming events. If you aren't already a member of the google group, you can use this link to join:!forum/ml-community-of-practice/join

If you have any questions, please send an email to Chris Endemann (
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Please select each of the below ML topics that are relevant to your presentation. *
If you had to pick one overarching methods theme (e.g., deep learning, regression, computer vision, transformer models, etc.) to describe this project, which theme would you pick? *
Which day(s) are you currently available to present? *
Presentations take place on Tuesdays from 12-1 PM. Aside from October's event (virtual only), all events will be hosted in a hybrid format (zoom and in-person) in the Orchard View room inside the Discovery Building. Presenters may present via Zoom or in-person — whichever they prefer.

Please be sure to select as many presentation dates as your schedule allows so that we can group together presentations that share a similar methods theme.
Did you use any high-throughput computing tools (e.g. CHTC, AWS, Google Cloud) for this project? *
Please list three software/ML tools that were vital to this project. *
Please provide a tentative title for your presentation. *
This event is hosted by the ML Community ( The ML Community has a google group it uses to send reminders about its upcoming events. If you aren't already a member of the google group, you can use this link to join:!forum/ml-community-of-practice/join *
Additional comments
Is there anything else you'd like the event organizers to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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