Is That Normal? Podcast Parent Survey
As we partner with parents to raise teens and young adults to love Jesus, we want your input on the issues and ideas that most concern you and your family.  Please take time to fill out these following items so we can continue to Be Abnormal!
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Which of these parenting issues concern you the most?
Has there been an idea we've covered that you want to know more about?
What is the biggest question/concern you have right now as a parent?
Have you used any resources we have recommended?
What was it and did you find it helpful?
Is there a particular area of parenting in which you would like to be better equipped?
Was there a particular episode of the Is That Normal? Podcast that was helpful to you?
Do you have any other ideas, questions or comments about the Podcast, parenting, life, the universe or Randell's beard?
How many children to you have?
What are their ages?
How do you prefer to consume your caffeine?
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