2e Intelligence Test
This form is designed to assess intelligence in individuals who are twice exceptional (2e), by measuring their cognitive, affective and compassionate empathy. Those who possess compassionate empathy are demonstrating the integrated use of their combined intelligence and are therefore gifted creative intellectuals.
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Gifted or IQ testing indicated I am....
I have been diagnosed with the following:
You are a 35-year-old nurse working in a busy emergency room. A patient who has just lost their spouse in a car accident is brought in. As you approach the grieving patient, which of the following best describes what you might be feeling and thinking? 
You are a 42-year-old father attending your daughter's graduation ceremony. As you watch her walk across the stage to accept her diploma, which of the following most closely reflects your likely experience?   *

You are a 24-year-old artist struggling to make ends meet. You've just learned that your artwork has been selected for a prestigious gallery show. Which of the following best captures your reaction?   


You are a 50-year-old executive who has just been informed of your company's decision to downsize, resulting in the layoff of several long-time employees. As you prepare to deliver the news, which of the following best describes your mindset and emotions?  


You are a 60-year-old grandmother attending your grandchild's birthday party. As you watch the children play and laugh together, which of the following best reflects your experience?


You are a 30-year-old attorney representing a client who has been the victim of a hate crime. As your client shares their story, which of the following best describes your experience?


You are a 22-year-old college student who has just learned that your best friend has been diagnosed with a serious illness. As you process the news, which of the following best captures your reaction?


You are a 45-year-old firefighter responding to a call at a burning apartment building. As you arrive on the scene, which of the following best describes your mindset and emotions?

You are a 38-year-old mother watching your child perform in a school play. As your child delivers their lines on stage, which of the following best reflects your experience? *

You are a 55-year-old doctor delivering a terminal diagnosis to a long-time patient. As you share the news, which of the following best captures your experience?


You are a 27-year-old teacher working with a student who is struggling with learning difficulties. As you sit down to help the student, which of the following best describes your mindset and emotions?

You are a 62-year-old retiree volunteering at a local animal shelter. As you interact with a frightened, abandoned dog, which of the following best reflects your experience?

You are a 33-year-old journalist interviewing a refugee who has fled war and persecution. As you listen to their story, which of the following best captures your experience?


You are a 48-year-old construction worker who witnesses a coworker injure themselves on the job site. As you rush to their aid, which of the following best describes your mindset and emotions? 


You are a 29-year-old artist attending the opening of your first solo exhibition. As you observe the reactions of the attendees, which of the following best reflects your experience?


You are a 52-year-old pastor counseling a parishioner who is going through a difficult divorce. As you listen to their struggles, which of the following best captures your experience?


You are a 41-year-old nurse caring for a patient with a terminal illness. As you sit by their bedside, which of the following best describes your mindset and emotions? 


You are a 37-year-old business executive attending a conference where a speaker shares their personal story of overcoming adversity. As you listen to their speech, which of the following best reflects your experience?


You are a 56-year-old therapist working with a client who has experienced severe trauma. As you listen to their experiences, which of the following best captures your experience?


You are a 63-year-old retiree volunteering at a local soup kitchen during the holidays. As you serve meals to those in need, which of the following best describes your mindset and emotions? 

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