Teach Uplifted Scholarship Application
If you are unable to afford Teach Uplifted, please fill out the following application to request a scholarship.

Scholarships are awarded to those with genuine needs and a serious commitment. A limited number of scholarships are available, so completing this form does not guarantee a scholarship. However, we will honor as many requests as we can.

Please complete all of the following questions to apply for a scholarship:
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Full name: *
Email address: *
Please explain why you would like to participate in Teach Uplifted: *
Financial Need
We understand that everyone likes to save money, but we can only offer a limited number of scholarships and therefore want to reserve them for those with a genuine need.

If you CAN afford this program but are just hoping for a discount or free admission, then please kindly return to the sign up page and enroll there - we promise it will be worth it!

However, if the cost of this program represents a true financial burden/obstacle, please affirm this below by indicating that YES you have a genuine need. You may choose to elaborate or not at your discretion.

Do you have a genuine financial need? *
Financial Investment
This system will only be helpful for you if you are truly invested in learning and applying it. Therefore, we've found that it helps YOU to make some kind of financial investment in this program, no matter how small. It helps you value the program more, keeps you accountable, and helps you succeed. Also, offering partial scholarships (rather than full ones) enables us to assist more teachers.

Therefore, we ask you to consider what amount you CAN afford for this program. Do not be embarrassed if your number is low - we truly do not want to strain your budget. But at the same time, please don't just put down the lowest number you can think of. Rather, ask yourself what you truly can afford, realizing that the closer you can come to the actual sale price, the more you will value and be committed to the program.

What amount can you afford to pay? *
Time Commitment
Scholarships are reserved for those who are willing to commit to actually complete the program. Teach Uplifted is designed to be completed in 6-8 weeks and requires about 15-20 minutes a day to read the devotions (we recommend reading these during your normal devotion time) plus about 30 minutes per week to listen to the audio lessons.

If you receive a scholarship, we ask that you do your best to complete the program within 4 months (giving you more than double the scheduled time, in case you need to go at a slower pace). The point here is not to feel pressured but rather for you to make a conscious decision that this is worth your time and commitment.
Do you commit to do your best to complete this program within the next 4 months? *
I understand the book is not included and this scholarship does not include any other promotions. *
Anything else you'd like to share?
Thank you!
Please click the button below to complete your application. If your application is approved, we will notify you by email and send a form for you to make your investment at the amount you indicated above. After you make your investment, your scholarship will be finalized and you will receive your enrollment instructions.

If you do not hear from us within 10 days, you may reach out to linda@teach4theheart.com to check on the status of your application.
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