Dropzone XXIX 2023 Booking 
Dropzone XXIX 2023 event tickets can be purchased for £65 or you can book for all three UKLTA 2023 events for £180. Membership must be purchased separately at a cost of £10. Payment(s) can be made to UKLTA via bank transfer - Metrobank, 23-05-80 42909645 using the reference "DZ23" or "ALL Events 23" , (membership should have "Membership" as the reference) or to discuss alternative payment methods contact UKLTAcoordinator@gmail.com (cheques not accepted).
Please note the meal deal must be ordered separately as it is through a separate entity. You can access the ordering page via this link  - https://grangelrp.com/Catering.php#!/UK-Laser-Tag-alliance-May-2023-Meal-deal-4-day/p/388172412/category=130011515 
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Name *
Email address *
Emergency contact name and phone number *
Camping or staying off site? This information is required for health and safety purposes. *
I would like to hire a sensor for £10 for the event and will pay a refundable deposit of £10 
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I would like to hire a gun for £10 for the event and will pay a refundable deposit of £10 
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Terms and Conditions:
* I have read and agree to follow the UKLTA code of conduct and site rules for the event (found in the event booklet available to download via social media and email), 
* I have read the risk assessment for the event (found in the event booklet available to download via social media and email), 
* I am/will be a minimum of 18 years old at the time of the event,
* I agree that the data entered above, any further communications made with UKLTA or the game organisers, and any information derived from that can be held by and shared with various parties where it is needed to run the game or associated activities. Those parties may include UKLTA itself, game organisers, third parties providing services or goods for the event, and other participants. 
Examples of data sharing that may occur include but are not limited to storing the data you provide in a third-party hosted database service, providing caterers with a list of those who have paid for meals, and providing another player with in-character knowledge about your character and ooc-knowledge on how to recognise you,
* I agree to follow the game rules and safety procedures, including familiarising myself with the whistle system, carrying a whistle at all times when in the game area, and carrying a torch during any outdoor night portions of the game,
* I understand that LARP can be physically demanding and can involve activities such as moving through woodland at night. I am responsible for my own fitness and taking reasonable safety precautions.
I understand that the UKLTA Committee or anyone else concerned with organising the event accept no liability for any injury that I may incur.
I will be a UKLTA member, having purchased annual or event membership, at the time of the event,

UKLTA is covered by LARP insurance cover and abide by the rules of their health and safety event management plan.
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