海外研修說明會Study Abroad Program Seminar
只要對海外留學有興趣的同學 趕快來報名參加吧!

Have you ever thought about going abroad for exchange?
Do you know you can get a degree from a sister university?
Does going abroad really cost a lot of money?
As long as you are interested in studying abroad, Come and sign up!

校本部場 Main Campus(已結束)
時間Time:12/2 (wed.) 13:30-14:30
地點Location:國際學院60405 International College 60405

醫學院場 Medical Campus
時間Time:12/16(wed.) 13:30-14:30
地點Location:C棟C0145 C0145
國際處 國際移動力中心 林宜萱 Amy
OICA Global Mobility Center
Outbound Program Coordinator Amy Lin

Tel: 07-6577711 #2643
Email: amylin903@gmail.ocm
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報名場次 Date *
姓名 Name *
性別 Gender *
學號 Student ID *
學系(全名) Department(Full Name) *
年級 Grade *
是否需要請公假? Do you need official leave for your class? *
*欲請公假者須取得任課老師同意並於報名場次一週前完成線上報名,逾時未完成報名無法請公假。Students who need an official leave for the seminar must have your professors' permission in advance and complete the online registration a week before the seminar.
想參與何種形式的出國計畫?(可複選) What kind of overseas program you would like to join? *
想去哪些國家從事出國計畫?(列舉國家) Where will you want to go for overseas program? *
選擇出國計畫最重視的考量因素為何? What factors affect your decisions for overseas program the most? *
預計想出國多久? How long will you want to go for overseas program? *
若有興趣參與有其他海外計畫說明會,請留下信箱 If you are interested in study abroad seminar, please leave your email address below. *
歡迎加入義守國際移動力中心Facebook專頁 Welcome to join ISU Global Mobility Center Facebook Page.
海外留學以及相關公告相關訊息都會PO在這呦! Study abroad related information will post in this page!
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