Mentor & Mentee Conversations Winter 2025 RSVP

Join us in a collaborative space designed for faculty mentors and graduate students to strengthen their mentoring relationships and co-create actionable plans through engaging case studies and activities. Built on the nationally recognized CIMER curriculum and evidence-based practices, this is your chance to elevate your mentoring partnership! Light snacks will be provided—feel free to bring your own lunch!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This space is designed for mentors + up to 2 students. Mentors or students should not attend alone as that is not the goal of the space. Thank you!

March 17, 2025 12:00 - 1:15 pm: Fostering Research Independence

Join the conversation on research independence! Discover its core elements, benefits, and challenges, and see how these evolve throughout the mentoring relationship. Explore dynamic strategies for mentors and mentees to boost confidence and build trust on the path to research independence!

March 24, 2025 12:00 - 1:15 pm: Fostering Academic Wellbeing

Dive into essential topics that empower mentors and mentees to enhance communication and support in time management, prioritization, organization, and work-life integration. Equip yourself with skills that reduce stress and promote wellbeing!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. This information helps CEILS track our impact and continuously improve our programming.

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Name (last name, first name) 
Please include your faculty mentor or graduate student name and email here so we can send them the calendar invitation. 
Please select which topics and dates your mentor/mentee pair would like to participate in. (select all that apply)
Which department are you primarily affiliated with?  
If your department was not listed above, please enter here.
What is your position? 
Please share any accessibility or sensory requests so we can make the event more accessible and comfortable for you. 
Do you agree to permit CEILS to use photos or videos in which you are present on our website and in other promotional materials?   *
Please share any additional questions/comments.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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