Northwest High School - Student Aide Application 25-26 
To be eligible to apply for a student aide position, you must be officially classified as a senior during the 2025-2026 school year, and you must have a minimum of a 2.75 cumulative, unweighted GPA.  

There are a limited number of student aide positions available; therefore, completing this application does not guarantee that you will receive a placement.

The deadline to complete this form is Friday, February 14, 2025. Students should still register for a full seven periods each semester (14 total classes) after submitting this form.  
Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
ID Number *
Will you be in Grade 12 in 2025/2026 *
Counselor *
Student Assistant
This opportunity allows students to assist a teacher with classroom instruction in English, Math, Social Studies, Science, World Language, Career Technology Education (CTE), Art, and Music.

There are NO SSL hours nor credit/grades awarded for this class. Only attendance.
Office Aide
This opportunity allows students to aide for an office within the school building (Media Center, Counseling, Main Office, Attendance, etc.). 

There are NO SSL hours nor credit/grades awarded for this class. Only attendance.
I am applying to be the following next year: *
If applying for a Student Assistant, please write the name of the teacher you are interested in working with and/or the department. Example: Mr. Gordon - Social Studies

If no preference, please write "no preference".

**Please note it is NOT a guarantee that you will work with your prefered teacher/department, but we will do our best.** 
If applying for an Office Aide, please select the office you are interested in working with.

**Please note it is NOT a guarantee that you will work in your selected office, but we will do our best.**
I understand that there are NO SSL hours and NO grades/credit awarded for both Student Assistants and Office Aides. I also understand that the course will not appear on my transcript.  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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