Badminton Team Registration

Badminton Tournament - Rules and Regulations

Team Registration:

  • Maximum Teams: A maximum of 2 teams can participate from each hall/hostel.

  • Team Size: Each team must consist of 5 members.

Match Format:

  • Playing Order: The matches will be played in the following order:

  • Singles

  • Doubles

  • Singles

  • Doubles

  • Singles (Decider if needed)

  • Winning Criteria: The team that wins at least 3 out of the 5 matches will be declared the winner.

  • Player Participation:

  • Each player can play a maximum of 2 matches throughout the tournament.

  • A player cannot play both singles matches (maximum 1 singles match per player).

Scoring System:

  • The specific scoring system (e.g., 15 points, best of 3 games) will be determined by the referee based on the stage of the tournament (e.g., group stage, knockout stage).

Official Rules:

BWF Regulations: All matches will be played in accordance with the official Badminton World Federation (BWF) rules.

GOUTHAM RATHOD : 7702980607
Hall / Hostel *
Number of teams *
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