Komera 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Application
Are you ready to join Team Komera for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half happening on March 19, 2023? We are so excited to have you apply! 

Each year we have a great group of runners come together to run 13.1 miles.In Rwanda, Komera means "be strong, have courage", a quintessential mindset to complete a half-marathon! We were founded on the belief that running is a unique vehicle to foster great personal and community growth, and we are excited to put this conviction into action as Team Komera runs together to support our young female scholars in Rwanda.  

Applications will be accepted until all 10 bib spots are filled on the team. Completion of this application does not guarantee you a spot on the team. You will be informed by Komera if you’ve been chosen as a member on a rolling basis, after we have processed your application.  

Questions? Please email info@komera.org. Be sure to follow us on social media and check us out online at komera.org!
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Mailing Address (please include city and state as well) *
Shirt and Race Singlet size (if only one size is chosen, we will use that for both sizes) *
What inspires you? Why do you want to run in the NYC Half-Marathon? What keeps you going? *
Have you ever run a half-marathon in the past? *
Have you ever participated in a charity running program before? If so, please provide the date,  charity partner, and fundraising achievement. *
How did you learn about Komera's NYC half-marathon team? *
We're excited about the possibility to invite you into the Komera family! Why did you choose Komera as a charity to run for? *
Have you supported Komera in the past? (attended events, fun runs, fundraised for Komera, etc.) *
What will your raise goal be? (We want to help you all along the way and help you knock it out of the park! Please note that our minimum raise requirement is $1,500) *
How will you hit your minimum raise goal? *
If you plan to fundraise please provide a specific plan for your fundraising. (Including: events, online fundraising, and strategies) *
Do you have any questions/concerns about the raise goal?
Are you involved with any other community organizations?
We love to highlight our race team through email and social media communication channels! Would you be comfortable being featured, interviewed, or partnering with us? *
What is/are your social media handle(s)?
Do you like to receive updates and information via whatsapp, email, or other? *
Any other relevant information that you would like to include:
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