Project Emo: User Testing
Hello, we're glad to see you here. We are building emotional intelligence (EQ) with a digital tool and want to make sure what we build is actually helping! 

You can participate in two ways:
1. Take this 10-15 min survey 
2. Go here to schedule an interview/demo with us! 
3. both!

Thank you! 
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Ethnicity *
Gender identity  *
Where are you located? (City, State)
Please specify your age group *
What is emotional intelligence to you? *
What parts of EQ are most challenge for you?/You'd like to improve on. *
When did you learn about emotional intelligence and start to develop it?  *
What tools/resources are you currently using, or have previously used to develop your emotional intelligence? *
If you have used tools/resources to develop your EQ what about them were helpful? *
If you have used tools/resources to develop your EQ what about them were not helpful? *
What would you want to see in a tool like Emo? *
How do you feel about using a digital tool to improve on your mental wellbeing/mental health? Please explain your reasoning.  *
Are you looking for a better tool to help with your emotional health? *
If no, please state why
Anything else you would like to share about this topic?
Add your email for updates, see how your input got incorporated into our work!
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