Hank's Health Fest 2023 Registration
Thank you for joining us for the first Hank's Health Fest! As a reminder, we'll have FREE food, health screenings, and tables from local community health and wellness groups. We look forward to seeing you!

Event Timing: Saturday, July 22, 2023, 10 am -- 3 pm
Event Address:  3301 W Florence Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Contact us at hankshealthfest@gmail.com

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Full Name (First & Last) *
Please list anyone else who will attend with you.
Any children under the age of 18?
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Phone Number
How did you learn about Hank's Health Fest? *
Which activities will you attend? (Select all that apply. Note: All ages are welcome for each activity. Activities with an * are designed especially with children in mind.) *
I understand that I will need to check-in and complete a waiver upon arrival. *
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