Intensive Program Application
Please fill out as thoroughly as you can. Aubri or Jen will be in touch within 2-3 business days by your preferred method of contact!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Preferred method of contact *
What is your phone number or email *
I am open to expanding my understanding of nutrition and to try new approaches *
I am willing to commit to 4-5 months of intensive coaching, attend as many group calls as I can live and book the 1:1's included in the program within a reasonable time frame (16 sessions over 5-6 months max) *
I am willing to practice Brain Exercises on a regular basis, ideally daily *
I am willing to practice Trauma Releasing Exercises on a regular basis *
I am willing to include animal foods in my diet *
I am willing to engage in a spiritual practice, recognize that the interfaith curriculum will be applicable to all spiritual traditions, and that there will be a variety of spiritual paths represented in the program *
I am willing to engage in suggested practices outside of sessions, such as journaling, art projects, prayer and spiritual pracitces *
What is the level of financial investment you are willing to make for your recovery? *
Any questions or concerns you have for Aubri? *
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このフォームは Whole Body Healing Eugene 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告