The institute has implemented Flexible Curriculum from Academic Session 2018-19. The idea is to improve the employability of students by enabling them to opt for courses of their choice in accordance with their career goals.
You are requested to please take a moment to give your feedback on the courses which you studied during your graduation. Your comments are valuable to us and crucial in improving the employability potential of the coming batches, as well as in improvement of Academics in the institute. (The current curriculum is available on the department web page of institute website for your ready reference)
Email *
Name *
Year of Passing   *
1. You feel proud to be known as an MITS Alumnus *
2. Institute organizes various kinds of activities for the overall development of students *
3. Are you willing to contribute in the development of the Institute *
4. Institute handles students’ grievances properly *
5. Institute has adequate laboratories and equipment for practical exposure to students *
6. The education imparted at MITS is useful and relevant in your career and present job *
7. Have you obtained sufficient technical knowledge (both in theory and practical) at MITS *
9. Do you like to join the Institute Alumni Association *
10. Would you like to receive regular updates from the Institute through Mails/Calls/SMS? *
11. Overall are you satisfied with the Faculty, Staff and Administration during Program *
12. The course and curriculum at MITS caters to the recent trends and developments in the field.(If no, please give below suggestions for improvement) *
13. The syllabi were useful for meeting your higher studies/career goals.(If no, please suggest from your experience, what changes are required) *
14.In your opinion, the course / contents is up to date and no portion needs to be removed.(If no, please suggest courses/content which is obsolete and needs to be deleted) *
15. The courses and contents are updated and no new course needs to be added right now.(If no, please suggest content/new courses which need to be added) *
16. The institution is capable of providing facilities and support to alumni (as and when desired) for acquiring state-of-the-art skills/knowledge in an area identified by them(If yes, please provide details so that institute can take initiative for such support) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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