Effective Allyship Class Interest Form
This class is for anyone interested in learning about how to be an effective ally. In particular it is designed to help White people who are interested in engaging in anti-racism practices to become more self aware and self sufficient in disrupting oppression.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
First Name
Last Name
Website (if applicable)
What would you like to gain out of taking this course?
Diversity Training for organizations may be provided as a workshop for a group. Do you have a group for which diversity training may be useful?
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If yes, please provide the name and contact information of the organization that may be interested in training:
If yes for Diversity Training, what is your anticipated budget and how many attendees do you anticipate?
Anything else I should know?
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini Tiffany Bowden. Informa d'un ús abusiu