Survey for Contractors

Trading Up in Trades is a not-for-profit organization located in the GTA serving Black youth and Black Contractors within the Construction Trades Industry.

This survey is being conducted to understand the needs of Black contractors in the Construction Trades Industry. We especially want to learn more about Black community leadership and the type of assistance and services our organization can offer to Black Construction Trades Businesses.  

If you identify as Black (someone of African, Caribbean, Black Canadian, African American, or Black multiracial ancestry) and you are currently operating as a contractor in the Construction Trade Industry, please take a moment to complete the survey below. Your input is appreciated.

By completing and submitting this survey, your free and informed consent is implied and indicates that you understand the above conditions of your participation.

If you have any questions about this survey or our organization please contact Trading Up in Trades at

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Email *
Do you self-identify as Black (someone of African, Caribbean, Black Canadian, African American or Black multiracial ancestry)? *

Which Construction Trade do you currently work in?  

(Check all that apply)

How accessible or inaccessible are resources for Black Business Owners in the Construction Trade Industry? *
Very inaccessible
Very accessible

What resources do you need to grow and expand your Construction Trades Business?

(Check all that apply)


Trading Up in Trades would like to provide services to help Black Contractors further their careers. Would you be interested in accessing any of these services?

(Check all that apply)


Do you know how to register an Apprentice through Skilled Trades Ontario?


Are you aware of the Apprenticeship grants offered by the Government of Canada?


Are you interested in becoming a mentor to a Black youth or young professional starting a career in the Construction Trades Industry?


What type of Mentee would you like to work with? (Check all that apply)


Thank you for participating in our survey. Your responses will be very helpful to us in planning employment support services for the Black community. 

If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please share them below.

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