2024 November with Silvia Frosali 

報名資格 : 需要完成Gyrotonic Level 1 Certification
授課師資: Master Trainer - Silvia Frosali (英語授課無翻譯)
𝐆𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒® Application for Tango Dancers  上課日期: 2024/11/10 ~2024/11/12 (3天)
上課時間: 09:30-12:30; 14:30 - 16:00 (中間休息2小時)
課程費用:行政費 TWD11,000;學費 USD 525;

𝐆𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂® Principles in the Context of Osteopathy
上課日期: 2024/11/14 ~2024/11/16 (3天)
上課時間: 09:30-12:30; 14:30 - 16:00 (中間休息2小時)
課程費用:行政費 TWD12,000;學費 USD 525;

📣Silvia Frosali  兩堂聯報 優惠1,000元🌟
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Master Trainer ─ Silvia Frosali 培訓大老師介紹

Silvia  studied dance at the Hamlyn School in Florence and at the Royal Ballet School in London. She worked as a professional dancer at the ATERballetto in Reggio Emilia with Amedeo Amodio , at the Stadt Opern in Bonn with Peter Van Dyck and the Theâtre Chorégraphique de Rennes (France) with Gigi Caciuleanu. She then became massage therapist with the idea to specialise in medical problems of dancers.Towards the end of the eighties she met Juliu Horvath and started getting more and more interest in the GYROTONIC® EXPANSION SYSTEM ®.

In 1992 she moved to Germany where she worked first  in a big centre for sports rehab\ilitation, then in a specialised centre for Performing Arts Medicine as a physical therapist and GYROTONIC® teacher. She was teaching GYROKINESIS®® at the Tanzaccademy in Cologne . In 1998 she began her studies in Osteopathy at the International Academy of Osteopathy ( IAO ) and started her collaboration with TAMED ( Tanz Medizin Deutschland ). 

Since 2004 she lives in Florence ( Italy )  where she currently works as a Specialized Master Trainer in Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis and as an Osteopath D.O. in the studio Gyrotonic-Firenze .

𝐆𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂® Master Trainer ─  Silvia Frosali
𝐆𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒® Application for Tango Dancers 課程介紹
This course is intended to provide Gyrokinesis Trainers with efficient tools to help professional and non-professional tango dancers to improve on their dance quality and prevent injuries. The trainers learn about the synergy between the movement principles of the Gyrokinesis Method and the fundamentals of tango dance.The course includes progressive class formats for the beginner, intermediate and advanced level with sequences on the chair, the floor and in standing.

Trainers who are not tango dancers are very welcome to join the course.
𝐆𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂® Principles in the Context of Osteopathy 課程介紹
This course offers interpretations of the Gyrotonic method from an osteopathic point of view. A bridge between these two methods is created by offering a summary of Osteopathic theories and teaching practical Gyrotonic exercises applications to effectively address those theories. ? Trainers will learn exercise applications that can be applied on both the Gyrotonic Pulley Tower, and on the mat. Examples of the osteopathic approach to problems of restriction of movements (articular, muscular, visceral…) will be reviewed. Students don’t need medical knowledge to participate.
Step 1: 請填寫報名表

Step 2: 請先繳交台幣費用,收款方式為:
             1.  點擊下列繳費連結至收款平台繳交行政費 :  付款連結
             2.  或匯款TWD至下列帳戶:
             戶名: 絕對領域健康股份有限公司
             銀行代碼: 806
             銀行帳號: 20342000075599

Step 3: 收到主辦單位報名確認信完成報名

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聯絡信箱: contact@aterritory.com
Line真人客服: https://lin.ee/HoNClWF
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