QR Request
Use this form if you have finished a tax return for a client and need a quality review ONLY!

If you just have a question, please use the Questions Request Google Form: https://forms.gle/KKs1tonRoLLXzSfV9

If you have not yet finished the tax return, do NOT submit a QR request.
Accedi a Google per salvare i risultati raggiunti. Scopri di più
Volunteer Name *
UID (2nd volunteer)
2nd Volunteer Name
Client Name *
Breakout Room # *
Select if applicable to your return
More than 3 W-2s
Schedule C
Capital gains or losses
Is this the first QR request for this tax return? *
Check "Yes" if a QR has not yet been requested for the client you are CURRENTLY serving!
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Non inviare mai le password tramite Moduli Google.
Questi contenuti non sono creati né avallati da Google. Segnala abuso - Termini di servizio - Norme sulla privacy