Application form
This is the application form for the SAFE Labs Workshop 2.0, which will happen over June 1-4 close to Barcelona.
Applications are open until March 2. Final selection will be communicated by March 14; all people who fill in this form will hear from us.

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June 1-4, at the AQUA Hotel Promenade & Spa (tbc), in Pineda de Mar (Barcelona)
1. Your email address *
2. First Name *
3. Last Name *
4. Gender: how do you identify? (possible to self-describe in Other) *
This information will potentially be used to ensure a diverse range of participants.
5. We would like to have a group of participants as diverse as possible. Feel free to disclose here whether you belong to a minoritised community in academia.
This information will potentially be used to ensure a diverse range of participants.
6. Institutional affiliation, including country
7. Year of start of your group *
We will prioritise people who started their research groups 1-6 years ago
8. Size of your group at the moment (including the PI) *
9. Please provide a brief summary of your research background (main scientific topics, achievements and career summary) (100 words maximum)
This information might be used during the selection process to ensure we have participants from a diverse range of topics 

10. Please describe your motivation to join this meeting.


11. Please indicate which topics you think should be on the schedule, from 1 (not important) to 5 (critical)? 

Equity and Diversity
Team management
Sustainable research
Institutional Politics
Career Development
Encouraging feedback

12. Are there other topics, not listed in the question above, that you would like to see discussed together? 

13. If we asked you to lead a discussion on a topic, which would you choose and why? (250 words maximum). Example topics include but are not limited to the topics above.


14. Which measures do you plan to take, or have already taken to ensure equity, welfare, and sustainability in your research group? (250 words maximum)


15. What are you hoping to take away from this meeting? (100 words maximum)


16. Have you participated in similar meetings before? Would you be willing to share your experience from such meetings?


17. Among these possible session formats, which would you prefer, from 1 (no thank you) to 5 (definitely)?

Open forums on a given topic
Sub-group discussions
“Ask me anything” zooms with senior scientists
Brainstorming solutions for case studies
Zoom presentation from experts (e.g. EDI)
Role playing
18. If there are other session formats you think would be valuable, please suggest them here. 
19. Can you please give us an estimate of the cost of your transportation to attend the meeting?
We encourage people to take more environmentally-friendly options such as train, but we do understand that plane might be justified. Please note that depending on our total budget, transportation costs might not be fully reimbursed.
20. In case we cannot fully reimburse your transportation costs, would this compromise your attendance? Please let us know so we can try to work around it if needed. *
This information will not be taken into account for the selection of participants, it will just help us for the logistics.
21. Would you accept / be able to pay for your own transportation in full if this would help other people join the meeting? *
This information will not be taken into account for the selection of participants, it will just help us for the logistics.
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