Range Training Questionnaire 
How are you differentiating your training when you go to the range? Is there a need to for a system to assist with this and is it worth investing in?
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Are you having trouble diversifying your training with static targets? Do you like to try different drills to avoid becoming repetitive? *
 Do you currently own or have access to steel plate targets and use them during your live fire training? *
How many targets do you typically setup when training either at the range or dry fire? Think specifically for drills not zeroing. *
Thinking of when you setup multiple targets: how do you designate shoot/no shoot targets, number of shots per target, transitions, and other setup for your course of fire? (you can select multiple) *
Is the ability to easily customize the course of fire for your range practice important to you? I.E. Not just shooting at one or a set of targets with no predetermined course of fire.  *
Not Important To Me
This Is A Must
Do you track your shot splits, transitions, or other training metrics in an app or other form? *
What is the most you would spend on a training system that would automatically designate shoot/no shoot targets, number of shots per target, transitions, track all important shot metrics, and work with your steel targets? *
If your local range offered a dynamic and randomized targeting sequence that tracked your shooting metrics and other stats, would you pay extra for your session if that was an add-on? *
Would you like to be part of any future product testing or feedback requests? We are looking for shooting enthusiasts to potentially assist with product development.
If Yes - please provide your email address below. We will NEVER use it for anything other than possibly contacting you for potential feedback. 
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