Sky Zone Springfield IL Job Application
Please complete this application and answer all the questions to the best of your availability!
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Todays Date *
Name *
First and Last Name
Please tell us a little about yourself (what you like to do for fun, what school you go to, what sports you are in, etc.)... *
Do you know any currently or previously employed at Sky Zone Springfield, IL? If so, Who?  *
Email *
Phone number *
Please let us know your hourly work availability Monday-Friday and Saturday-Sunday. This is so we can see what times you are available to work!
What age group are you in? *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
If hired, when could you start?
Work History (please name where you worked, how long you worked there, and reason for departure).
Highest Level of Education Completed
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Do you have a reliable means of transportation to and from work?
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