Future of Alpine.js Devtools

The rollout of Manifest v3 in Chrome means that users are seeing the warning: "This extension may soon no longer be supported" for the Alpine.js Devtools extension. In order to be Manifest v3-compliant, a full rewrite of the Devtools panel is required (it can't be driven by Alpine.js any more).

This short 6-question survey will help me prioritise features and explore ways to make Alpine.js Devtools more sustainable.

If you use Alpine.js Devtools, I’d love your input!

(I'm collecting emails to follow up on your feedback)

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1. How would you describe your use of Alpine.js and its Devtools? (Select the option that best matches your experience.)
2. What do you use Alpine.js for? (Select all that apply) *
3. Which existing DevTools features are most important to you? (Rate each on a scale of 1 to 5)
1. Not important
2. Slightly important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very important
1. Detect Alpine.js on a page
2. View Alpine.js components and state in devtools
3. Highlight components on hover in devtools
4. Modify component state in devtools
5. Access Alpine component state in a console global
6. View Alpine warnings/errors in devtools
7. Display whether detected Alpine.js version is "up to date"
4. Which of these future improvements would benefit you the most? (Optional - Rate on a scale of 1 to 5)
1. Not valuable
2. Slightly valuable
3. Neutral
4. Valuable
5. Very Valuable
1. Support for Alpine stores
2. More reliable state updates/sync (less need to refresh/reopen)
3. Active maintenance and ongoing updates
4. Modernised UI
5. Support for Alpine events
6. Dark mode
7. Component/property search
8. Support for `data-x-data`
Clear selection
5. Would you or your company be interested in supporting the ongoing development of Alpine.js Devtools? *
6. Any other pain points, feature ideas or feedback?
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