Thank you for your interest in working with the staff and students at The Capitol Encore Academy. After completing this online application, you will be invited to attend the substitute orientation. On or before the day of attendance for the orientation, please provide the required documentation (copy of your ID and SSN card) to the front office or send them by email to TCEA will complete a background check and then you will be notified of upcoming substitute opportunities.
If you have questions, please contact us at 910-849-0888.
Applicants must be a high school graduate or pass the GED test and meet one of the following:
1. Complete at least 30 hours of credit from a 4 year college university, or 45 quarter hours from a community college, technical institute or other college on the quarter system. Credit hours must be in a degree program. (Attachment of official transcript required)
2. A minimum score of the 750 (old) and 1150 (new) on the SAT, or a score of 16 or better on the ACT (Attachment of score report required)
3. A minimum of 85% on the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) (Attachment of score report required.) The TABE test is administered monthly. Please call 910-678-7395 to reserve a test space.
Applicants must complete the Effective Teacher Training (ETT) Course unless otherwise specified by Mr. Falls during the orientation session based on past work experience. The ETT course is offered at Fayetteville Technical Community College. Call 910-678-8446 for more information. Cost is the responsibility of the applicant. (Provide a copy of the certificate of completion)
Applicants must provide a copy of the Social Security Card and current Picture ID