四個轆之友 申請表格



2/F, DCH Building, 20 Kai Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
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名字 | First Name *
姓氏 | Last Name *
電話 | Tel. *
電郵 : Email *
閣下曾否選用大昌行汽車租賃服務? *
閣下是否願意收取訊息 | Are you willing to receive promotional message? *
性別 | Gender
年齡 | Age
生日月份 | Birth month
郵寄地址 | Mailing Address
租車原因 | Reasons to rent a car
駕駛年資 | No. of years of driving
你從何得知「四個轆之友」? | How did your hear about us?
閣下想收到的資訊 | What kind of information do you need?
香港車主會會員請填寫會員編號 | DCH Motor Club member number
您是否願意同時加入成為香港車主會會員? |  Would you like to join the Hong Kong Motor Club?
Cancella selezione
優惠碼 | Promotion Code
推薦人 | Referee
條款及細則 | T&C
Cancella modulo
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