Application Form: Study Away/Study Abroad 2025
Completion of this form does not guarantee your ability to travel on a Study Away or Study Abroad program. Once your application has been processed, the Program Director will reach out to confirm your status and inform you of next steps. If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to the faculty Program Directors directly.
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Which College of Sciences and Arts Study Away or Study Abroad Experiences are you applying to? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
M Number (write "n/a" if not an MTU student) *
Date of Birth *
Preferred First Name *
Pronouns *
University *
Major(s) *
Minor(s) *
Standing *
Please note your housing preference below. We seek to be as inclusive as possible in our programs, and we will attempt to meet all reasonable housing accommodation needs and requests to support students within the LGBTQIA* community.  *
Do you want to be considered for needs-based scholarships? *
Which courses will you enroll in during the program? *
Overall, how many credits do you plan to enroll in during the study away/abroad program? 
Do you plan to take any additional credits independently from your Program Director(s) in the Summer Semester Tract of your Study Away?
Please write a few sentences about why you'd like to study away/ study abroad. What about this specific program interests you?  *
I understand that Michigan Tech, its study abroad programs, Board of Trustees, officers, agents, and employees reserve the right to cancel trips, and to make changes or alterations in the program and itineraries at any time as may be required because of emergency, changed conditions or the University’s determination that such changes or alterations are in the best interest of the study abroad program or its participants. I further understand that Michigan Tech, its trustees, officers, agents and employees are not responsible for such changes or alterations to, or cancellation of, study abroad programs by third-party providers or host institutions. In the event that I choose to cancel my enrollment or voluntarily or involuntarily withdraw from the program at any time, I agree to abide by the terms set forth under the policy specific to that program and under institutional and federal refund policies stated in the University Handbook. In addition, I understand that I may be responsible for cancellation fees for arrangements made on behalf of my participation in the program prior to cancellation.
I understand that I am to comply with the student conduct policies of Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) during my participation in the study abroad program. I understand that the program director, host institution, and Michigan Tech have the right to enforce appropriate standards of behavior and that I may be dismissed from the program at any time for failing to abide by such standards. I understand that while I am a visitor in a foreign country, I will be subject to the laws of that country and that any breaches of the law of the host community or country are punishable by the appropriate relevant law enforcement authorities.
I understand that there are certain dangers, hazards, and risks inherent in international travel and the activities included in the program, and I agree to assume all risks and responsibilities related thereto. I hereby waive, release and forever discharge all claims against Michigan Tech, its study abroad programs, Board of Trustees, officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, causes of action and obligations to me, my heirs, executors and assigns for any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or expense resulting from my participation in the program, including periods of independent travel. Additionally, I understand that Michigan Tech has full authority to take whatever action it may consider to be warranted under the circumstances regarding my health and safety, and I fully release each of them from any liability for such decisions or actions as may be taken in connection therewith. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and save harmless Michigan Tech, its study abroad programs, Board of Trustees, officers, agents, and employees, with regard to any financial obligations or liabilities, including attorney fees and court costs, that I may personally incur or any damage or injury to my person or property or to the person or property of others that may occur during my participation in the study abroad program.
I understand that I am required to abide by all Michigan Tech policies and laws of the host country regarding illegal drug and alcohol use throughout the period of the study abroad program. I further understand that being found in violation of university policies will result in sanctions ranging from Conduct Probation to Conduct Expulsion. In addition, educational sanctions may be imposed, including but not limited to online education, drug assessment and counseling, outpatient treatment, residential treatment, etc.  Additional consequences of illegal drug and alcohol use during the program may include: ● Immediate expulsion from the program ● Total forfeiture of all fees paid to the program, and ● Loss of all course credit I understand that violation of the laws of the host country will be subject to the legal processes and procedures of that country, and that Michigan Tech will not intervene in legal matters.
I acknowledge and represent that I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions specified in this form. I agree that any disputes concerning my participation in the program or the interpretation of this agreement shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and that, should any provision or aspect of this agreement be found to be unenforceable, that all remaining provisions of the agreement will remain in full force and effect.
[enter signature below]
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