Subject Matter Experts Wanted!
Share your expertise with your peers within AM&P Network. This is a great way to share your knowledge, contribute to our community and grow your network of peers.

By providing your information and SME areas here, we may reach out to you to ask for your involvement in any number of SIIA or AM&P Network programs, based on your area(s) of expertise. This might include speaking opportunities, inclusion in articles or other content, or other opportunities that arise throughout the many AM&P Network offerings.

Please prioritize and select your top 3 areas of expertise.
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First name: *
Last name: *
Your pronouns:
Your title: *
Your organization: *
Your email address: *
Your phone number: *
Are you an AM&P Network member? *
Select your primary area of expertise: *
Briefly tell us about your expertise in this area: *
Select your secondary area of expertise: *
Briefly tell us about your expertise in this area: *
Select your tertiary area of expertise: *
Briefly tell us about your expertise in this area: *
Do you have a suggestion for another Subject Matter Expert we can reach out to?
Select your preferred involvement:
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We value your feedback! May we call on you to participate in surveys, focus groups or other feedback gathering efforts?
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