Chicago Design Studio Directory
The Chicago Graphic Design Club's mission is to provide thoughtfully engaging programming, share resources, and connect our community. Our latest initiative is to build a directory of design studios in the Chicagoland area as a way of amplifying and promoting creative practices and disciplines. This directory will be managed by the Chicago Graphic Design Club and highlight a range of studios of different sizes, services, mediums, and more. To be included, please fill out the form below. 

The Chicago Graphic Design Club
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Email *
Studio Name *
Studio Description (3–5 sentences) *
Include values, ethos, impact, etcetera. Please refer to your studio in the third person.
Industries *
In what industries does the majority of your work specialize? 
Services/Specialities *
Select all that apply.
Studio Team Size *
Website *
Instagram *
Point of contact *
The name and email of someone we can contact in case we have any questions.
Do you have any questions?
By completing this form, I am granting the Chicago Graphic Design Club the ability to feature me with the information provided on their website. *
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