Waiver of Liability
The following consent form must be filled out before participating in the wellness retreat at The Brewster Inn.
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Nature of the Practices: I understand that meditation sessions and energy healing practices may include guided meditation, breathwork, visualization techniques, and subtle energy manipulation.

Purpose: I am aware that these practices are intended to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. They are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, and I agree to continue to seek professional medical advice for any health concerns.

Voluntary Participation: I voluntarily choose to participate in these sessions and understand that I have the right to withdraw at any time without penalty.

Risks and Benefits: I understand that while benefits may include stress reduction, improved relaxation, and enhanced self-awareness, there are potential risks. These risks may include emotional discomfort, temporary increase in stress, or physical sensations related to energy movement.

Confidentiality: I understand that all information shared during sessions will be kept confidential, except where required by law.

Responsibility: I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own well-being during and after the sessions. I agree to communicate any discomfort or concerns promptly to the practitioner.

Please type your full name below acknowledging that you have read the above information.

Informed Consent and Waiver

I, _________________, hereby consent to participate in meditation sessions and energy healing practices facilitated by Al Gonzalez of Kairos Wellness Experience and Janna Weldum of Eagles Guiding Light, a certified meditation teacher and energy medicine practitioner.

Please type your full name below in lieu of a signature.


Waiver of Liability:

I hereby waive, release, and discharge Al Gonzalez of Kairos Wellness Experience and Janna Weldum of Eagles Guiding Light from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action known and unknown,whatsoever arising while participating in meditation and energy healing sessions.
I have read this Informed Consent and Waiver and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to its terms and conditions.

Please type your full name below in lieu of a signature.

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