Bo's Roast 2023 Feedback Opportunity
Thank you for joining us for the 12th Annual Bo's Roast & Chili Cook Off - Please help us to make this event event better for 2024. We care about what you think! 
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How would you rate 2023's event, overall?  *
Did not like at all!
Best Year Yet!
Ideal month for 2024's Bo's Roast and as a constant moving forward?
How do you like the location of the James Island County Park? *
Hate it, go back to Smoky!
Love it!
Please provide any feedback that you might have. We appreciate any constructive criticism - our goal is to make this event the best it can be while raising funds for each year's chosen charitable organizations. 
May we use your positive feedback/comments on our social media and website pages? *
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