Millard Montessori Preschool Application
By completing this form you are applying for your student to attend the Millard Montessori Preschool Program. Families living in the Millard School district must submit the application by February 15th, 2020.  Families living outside of the Millard School district must apply before March 15, 2020.  If you have questions about this application please call 402-715-1265.

Order of acceptance:
1) Qualified children in the school attendance area.
2) Qualified siblings of children enrolled in the building or program.
3) Qualified children from elsewhere within the district.
4) Qualified children who are siblings of children enrolled in the program who live outside the District.
5) Qualified children from outside of the District.

Notification: If, after accepting students in the order above, there are more applicants than spots available, a random lottery will be conducted. Parents will be notified of their acceptance or waitlist placement on or before March 1st. The parent shall accept such placement in writing by completing the district enrollment forms which will be included in the letter of acceptance.  The enrollment forms must be completed and returned by March 15th.   If the child's enrollment is not completed by this date, the slot will be given to another child.

Families who live outside of Millard must submit the enrollment form on or before March 15th, 2020. Out-of-district parents will be notified on or before April 1st.  The enrollment forms must be completed and returned by April 15th.   If the child's enrollment is not completed by this date, the slot will be given to another child.  For more information please go to

Transportation: Provided by parents or legal guardians.

Tuition prices are subject to change.
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