2024-2025 SCPS School Start Time Parent/Guardian Feedback Survey
Due to 2024-2025 budgetary constraints, Sussex County Public Schools (SCPS) is exploring cost saving measures and reallocating funds to improve operations. One option considered is to return to a unified school start time. A unified school start time of 8:00 a.m. will eliminate the multiple bus trips in the morning and afternoon. It will also allow SCPS to use existing bus drivers and monitors to add more support within the school buildings and auxiliaries.  This is one of the options that the district believes will be impactful to reduce  costs associated with fuel, substitutes,  personnel, and inflation.  Please take the time to provide SCPS with your feedback on the potential change to a unified school start time by completing this short survey.

Section I Demographic Info:  School Start Time Survey (July 2024)
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SCPS Parent/Guardian First & Last Name? *
First & Last Name of SCPS Student(s)? *
My child or children will attend the following school(s) during the 24-25 school year? *
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