Life Membership Enrollment Form
If you are interested in becoming a Life Member of the National Braille Association (NBA) please complete this form. Once submitted, it will be reviewed by staff at NBA's National Office. After their review, they will reach out with a request for payment and/or any questions they have about the information you submitted. Your Life Membership in the NBA will begin on the day that your first payment is received. If you have any trouble completing this form or have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to contact the NBA National Office at 585-427-8260 or 
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Contact Information
The information you enter here will be added to your NBA online membership account and will be used to deliver certain member-related benefits. If you are a current member of the NBA, and the information you enter here is not the same as what's on record, your NBA account will be updated with this new information.

(Note: The NBA never shares your contact information with others and only uses it for association business.)
Please enter your first name *
Please enter your last name *
Would you like to use a middle initial? *
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