2021 Batect survey
Thanks for completing the survey! Your responses help me understand how Batect is used and help prioritise improvements.

And, to thank you for your time, you can go into the draw for a AU$50 voucher (or equivalent in your local currency).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How likely are you to recommend Batect to a friend or colleague? *
Not likely to recommend
Would definitely recommend
How would you rate Batect on each of the following? *
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Batect is easy to use
Batect has all the features I want or need
Batect is reliable and robust
Batect's error messages are easy to understand
I can easily find the information I need in Batect's documentation
Batect is easy to introduce to new team members not familiar with it
If you could add one feature to Batect, what would it be?
If you could change one thing about Batect, what would it be?
Any other feedback?
If you'd like to be in the draw to receive the voucher, please enter your email address below.
Your email address will only be used for the purposes of contacting you if you're the lucky winner - it won't be used for marketing or shared with anyone else. The winner will receive a voucher for a local store in their local currency (eg. AU$50 for Amazon Australia).
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