Facilitator Certification Program: Make-Up Form for Missed Monthly Sessions 
  • The expectation is that facilitators that are becoming credentialed will participate in ALL monthly session.

  • If you are not able to attend a session due to circumstances beyond your control: 

    • Please notify Chantal, Rosa, or Paige

    • Meet with your peer coach (optional) and/or watch the recording (required)

    • And then complete this reflection form (required).

  • Missing more than two monthly sessions, brings one's credential into question (and you may be asked to make up the session(s) the following year.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email address *
Date of missed monthly session *
Please select an option: *
How did this monthly session further your understanding of community-driven planning? How did the content apply to your planning process or community? *
What questions came up for you as you watched the recording? If none, type "N/A." *
Do you have any feedback about the session in terms of learning expectations content, or how the material was presented?  
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