Minister for Independence Jamie Hepburn 'in conversation with' Josh Traynor
This event is open to all members of the community and provides students with the exciting opportunity to hear from and pose a question to Jamie Hepburn MSP, one of the most senior members of the Scottish Government and the Minister responsible for the issue in Scottish politicsindependence. It is completely free to attend, though places are limited, so please ensure that you register below!

Date: 22 November 2023
Event Begins: 10:00 am
Event Concludes: c. 11:00 am
Venue: Join the MS Teams call via this link -
Previously due to be held in-person, however Minister’s household have COVID so we have had to move online. 

*Hosted in collaboration with and the support of STAUSFI:
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Organization, such as a student society or press you are representing (if applicable)
Do you have a question for the Minister to be asked on the day? 

Please ensure your question is succinct. You can ask anything you like (within reason), though you are encouraged to ask a question relevant to the Minister's background and experience or responsibilities for devolution, independence, and the constitution.
Would you like to ask the question to the Minister yourself, or have the moderator read it out on your behalf (with name attributed)?
I will attend this event. *
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