Hope Hub @ St Laurence's Church
We're working with our local community to offer practical support during COVID-19 for those living in the Longford ward of Coventry.

You can request emergency food parcels or other practical forms of help using this form for:
- Yourself or your household
- Someone else you know who needs help.
If you need help completing this form, please telephone the Hope Hub on 07595915329.

The Hope Hub is open for the collection of food bank parcels on Tuesday afternoons from 1pm -2.30pm. If your request is approved, we will contact you to arrange a collection time to reduce contact in our building.

If you already have a Foodbank e-Voucher, please email it to office@stlaurences.org in advance so we can prepare your food parcel and give you a collection slot.  You do not need to complete this form.

Once your request has been approved, we will contact you to arrange a time to come into the hub and collect it.

İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
E-posta *
Who is this referral for? *
If you live with the person or family you are requesting help for, please select the first answer
Shielding / Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
If the person you are requesting support for is currently in the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable group (Shielding) please contact Coventry City Council's Community Support Hotline  on 08085 834 333.  The Hope Hub is not currently able to support food requests for this group at present.
Formu temizle
Google Formlar üzerinden asla şifre göndermeyin.
Bu form St Laurence's Church Coventry alanında oluşturuldu. Kötüye Kullanımı Bildirme