Oxford Conservative Thought Reading Group
The Oxford Conservative Thought (OCT) Reading Group is a non-partisan group devoted to academic exploration of small-c conservative political thought. We welcome, and actively encourage, viewpoint diversity and constructive engagement across ideological divides (all good-willed participants are welcome!) 

Each week we read one assigned text, and we recommend more for anyone who is very keen!

The OCT meets weekly in term time on Fridays from 4-5:30pm. 

You can view our reading list here:

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Name *
Degree and college (e.g. MPhil in Physics at Wadham College)

(OCT is open to all Oxford University members but we like to know your background)
Tell us about yourself -- why are you interested in attending the OCT Reading Group? :) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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