23-24 Boswell Student Council Application for Membership
Student Council is a student-led organization made up of elected and non-elected members.  The Student Council leads activities such as Homecoming, Red Ribbon Week, and Spirit Weeks.  We also promote community involvement and many other programs that are designed to educate and encourage students to live a safe and healthy lifestyle.  Meetings are usually bi-monthly and usually last at least one hour (depending on upcoming council events).  As a member of Student Council, you are expected to participate in a variety of activities.  Some of the responsibilities are as follows: attending and participating in meetings, making posters, bringing supplies (cookies, poster board, etc.), community service projects, dressing appropriately on theme days, and much more.  You are expected to abide by the Student Council Constitution.  The main idea of the constitution is that you will be a student above reproach and set an example of moral and ethical living for all.  (If you would like a copy of the Constitution, see the student council advisor or find it on the Boswell Student Council Website.)  Additionally, all members are requested to serve on a planning committee and must complete the minimum number of points on each month’s point sheet.
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Application Process
The application process requires you to fill out this form completely, complete the Membership Application Signature Page (available on the website, from campus Student Council Advisor, or this link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/10NOtawxdaBY5mEq9EsGPO015_WhNi7fd/view?usp=sharing)), and pay student council membership dues ($30, which will include a gift of your Student Council T-shirt & the End of the Year Banquet).  If you participate and meet your point requirements, you will be considered a Student Council Member.  Membership may be revoked if standards are not maintained.
Last Name *
First Name *
Student ID Number *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone Number
8175551111 - This number is not required, but it will be the main form of contact that the advisor and officers usually use to reach members.
E-Mail Address *
Example: StarofLeadership@Lead.com
Grade Level *
Choose your GRADUATION YEAR from the list below.
Birthday *
T-Shirt Size *
Other Activities/Clubs
Example: Football, Volleyball, Cheer, Theater, Speech/Debate, etc.
Teacher Recommendations
Complete the information below with names and e-mail addresses of three of your current or former teachers that would recommend you for Student Council based on their knowledge of you and your character.  We will be contacting them for their recommendation by e-mail, but, please, ask each one if you can include them as a recommendation contact prior to listing them. No signatures will be required from recommending teachers.
Name of Recommending Teacher #1 *
E-mail of Recommending Teacher #1 *
Name of Recommending Teacher #2 *
E-mail of Recommending Teacher #2 *
Parent Information, General Permission Information, and Health History
Complete the information below with your parents to help us ensure your health and safety.  Please note: Although all of this information will be kept private, if you are uncomfortable entering any of the information below into this form, a paper copy of of the general health and permission slip may be requested by e-mailing Ms. Keyes at kkeyes@ems-isd.net.  Also, additional forms will be required for overnight trips.
#1 Parent/Guardian's Name *
Please enter the information for the parent you would like for us to make first contact with when needed.
#1 Parent E-Mail Address(s) *
#1 Parent/Guardian's Home Number *
#1 Parent/Guardian's Cell Number *
#1 Parent/Guardian Occupation
#2 Parent/Guardian's Name
This would be the information for the parent/guardian that would be your second contact when needed.
#2 Parent/Guardian's Home Number
#2 Parent/Guardian's Cell Number
#2 Parent/Guardian Occupation
Parents, are you willing to volunteer for various Student Council activities throughout the school year? *
From time to time Student Council needs parents to help in various capacities, please, answer to the following to let us know your interest level.
Emergency Contact and Phone Number
Please enter the name and phone number for an emergency contact in the event that parents cannot be reached at the contacts above.
Food Allergies or Dietary Needs
Please list any important information regarding food allergies and dietary needs your child may have.
Other Health Issues
Please list any important information regarding any other health issues your child may have of which we need to be aware.
Requirements for Membership and Reason and Process for Probation or Dismissal

General Qualifications of members, chairpersons, and officers:
A. Members must be a full time students at W. E. Boswell High School.
B. Academic Requirements:
        1. Members must have an overall grade point average of 70 and maintain that average throughout the school year.
        2. Members must maintain eligibility under UIL grade guidelines.
C. Citizenship Requirements:
        1. Members will adhere to the Student Code of Conduct set forth by the Eagle Mountain – Saginaw Independent
                School District.
        2. Members must receive no citizenship grade lower than S.
        3. Members must not have placement in SAC, suspension, or ADC.  

Powers and expectations of members;
A. Each member shall be a member of at least one committee.
B. Each member shall attempt to express the desires and opinions of the student body.
C. Each member shall strive to better the student council and Boswell High School in general.
D. Each member shall strive to serve as a role model to peers and the community.
E. Each member shall attend meetings on a regular and timely basis.  
F. Each member shall perform all expected duties and maintain good standing within the point system.
G. Each member shall participate in fundraising for the council.

Members will be placed on probation for:
A. Citizenship falls below S in any class.
B. Failure to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct set forth by the Eagle Mountain – Saginaw Independent School
C. Failure to maintain eligibility due to grades per UIL grading policy.
D. Failure to maintain “good standing” within the Point System.
Probation period shall be one grading period. Members on probation will not be considered active members for the purposes of a quorum, unless specified by the advisor(s).
The Advisor(s) may set differentiated probation guidelines depending on the type and severity of the reason for probation.

Members may be dismissed from the Council for any of the following:
A. Probationary status more than twice in a school year.
B. Failure to return to active status, per point system, after serving probation.
C. Missing a sum of five or more regular meetings with unexcused absences throughout the entire year.
D.  Disciplinary action taken by the school administration such as assignment to SAC, suspension, or ADC.
D. Disciplinary action taken by a law enforcement agency.
E. Attending any function in which alcohol and/or drugs are served to and consumed by minors.
The Advisor(s) may dismiss an officer or chairperson from the Council for not fulfilling the duties for which they were elected or assigned.

Removal from office will follow certain guidelines:
A. If any offense is deemed severe by the administration and the advisor, the member will be immediately dismissed from        
B. Severe offenses will include but not limited to those involving drugs, alcohol, and/or violence.
C. The advisor(s) and/or principal shall be present at all meetings where the dismissal of a member is being conducted.
D. Any member removed from office and Student Council will not be allowed to run for office for a period of one year from the dismissal date.
E. Dismissed members may petition the Executive Board for reinstatement to the Council by submitting a letter to the
        President of the council.
Members dismissed due to SAC, suspension, or ADC, upon satisfactory completion of disciplinary time the student may petition to be reinstated to the current position for the remainder of the school year.  Their request will be brought before a committee comprised of an administrator and the executive officers.
Be sure to read the information about membership and reasons for probation or dismissal above.  If you agree to the statement below and understand the guidelines from the constitution above, please, put your initials in the box below. *
I agree to abide by the policies and regulations of Boswell High School and of the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District, realizing that the Student Government of the school has the responsibility of providing leadership and citizenship training that encourages student-staff-community cooperation and promotes good student attitudes.  I realize that this leadership position requires me to set a good example in all that I do as I represent myself, my school, and my community.  My parents and I have read and understood the requirements for membership.  I pledge to attend meetings regularly and participate in student council activities. I pledge to be an example of cooperation, involvement, and school spirit to ALL students in our school.  In addition, I will show a positive attitude toward our school, ALL staff, ALL of my fellow students, and our community.
Information about Dues and Retreat
Dues of $30 will be required from each member.  The money for dues will cover the student council t-shirts for all members, various supplies (like paint, butcher paper, etc. used throughout the year), and transportation for students to various events.  Below is an agreement to pay the student council dues; the dues payment should be returned with the Member Application Signature Page to Ms. Keyes ASAP by the Student Council Leadership Day, which will be a school day during the first three weeks of school.  If there are any questions or concerns about payment arrangements, please contact Katie Keyes at kkeyes@ems-isd.net.  In addition, we need every member to attend the Student Council Leadership Day on August 31.  The cost of the retreat is part of the membership dues.  More information on the Leadership Day can be found on the student council webpage in early August.
Please select from the payment agreements below. *
Completing this question binds you to the payment option you choose.  
I understand that not paying the dues or making arrangements to do so revokes my student council membership. *
Type your initials in the box below to note your understanding of the above statement.
The officers of an organization are not the only ones responsible.  Each member is a vital part of the organization and has an obligation to take an active and informed part in the proceedings of the organization’s meetings.
A good member:
* Shows respect for other members by being on time and bringing the necessary equipment to the meetings.
* Accepts the responsibility of sharing in the business at hand when a meeting convenes and understands that participation is essential.
* Tries to get other members to express their ideas for the benefit of all, even if it means less time for presenting personal ideas.
* Participates according to the “Golden Rule.” Listens appreciatively to others’ ideas and contributions.  
* Gives constant, active attention to the group’s activity during the meeting.
* Knows the purpose of the meeting and helps keep the ideas on track to get things done.
* Earns the right to give constructive criticism freely by accepting it honestly.
* Checks on assigned responsibilities and receives guidance and authority to carry them out.

A poor member:
 Breaks the spirit of the meeting by always arriving late and unprepared.  Keeps completely to self or creates conflict during the meeting.
 Lets everyone else do it.  Fails to understand the active role that a good member must play.  Is content to let others do the work.
 Feels so proud of his/her own ideas that this person dominates discussions without concern for others.
 Does not listen to others or is impatient, sarcastic, or belittling.
 Ignores others by sitting apart from the group or forming whisper groups with neighbors.
 Has a fuzzy idea of purposes but thinks that just being there is sufficient.
 Undermines the group and objectives with petty criticism.
 Accepts responsibilities, committee posts, etc., but forgets about the assignment.
The application process requires you to fill out this form completely, complete the Membership Application Signature Page (available on the website or from campus Student Council Advisor), and pay student council membership dues ($30).  If you participate and meet your point requirements, you will be considered a Student Council Member.  Membership may be revoked if standards are not maintained.  

Also, there will be Student Council workdays before school in dates and times to be released soon.  These workdays are for all members, even incoming freshmen.  We understand that you may have a practice for another organization or other responsibilities.  We just want you to be there as much as possible to help.  Please contact Ms. Keyes with specific questions.  Members should bring their lunches to the workdays.  

We will tweet out workday reminders and other updates from @BoswellStuCo.  You can receive those tweets with or without a twitter account by texting, "Follow @BoswellStuCo" to 40404.  You may also receive updates via remind by texting "@2324bos" to 81010. Please check the student council calendar on the website in July for additional calendar dates over the summer to prepare for the beginning of the school year!  Thank you for being interested in impacting your community; it's going to be an outstanding year!
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