Application Form - Pillar Ambassador Program
🎆 Become a Pillar Hero by participating in regular conversations & activities on our Official Telegram Group and take the lead on making the group interactive along with our Twitter and Discord! Spread the word about Pillar products in the overall crypto community.
🎆 Talk about #Defi, #Multichain, #gasfees, #decentralization, share Memes, videos, knowledge on Pillar  etc. with the entire community, earn Rewards, NFTs and POAP and get great experience and knowledge!
🎆Take apart in a recruitment process after filling out the form.
Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Full Name *
Email Address *
Country *
Timezone (UTC/GMT/CET) *
How fluent are you in English? *
What other language(s) do you speak? *
Would you be able to translate content from English to your native language? *
Are you currently working or have worked for a crypto/blockchain project or company? *
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, for what project, and what was your experience? (N/A if answered No)
Do you have any experience assisting users on resolving questions and concerns? *
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please select which platforms you have previously worked on.
How long have you been around the Crypto/Blockchain space? *
Why do you want to become Pillar Ambassador? *
Provide your Twitter handle @ *
Provide your @Telegram username *
Provide your Discord nick *
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Pillar Project. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan