HellDadsHQ YouTube Video Submission

Welcome to the HellDadsHQ video submission form! We’re offering this form to our members to make it easier for you to submit your gameplay footage to be featured on our official YouTube channel. Whether it’s for shortsbattlefield diariescommunity events, or simple clips for us to reuse in our official videos, we’re happy to collect and showcase your highlights! No need to use your private account – we’ll feature your submissions on the HellDadsHQ channel, where you’ll be credited accordingly!

Please ensure your video meets the following best practices for optimal editing and display:

  • Resolution: Upload in the highest possible quality (1080p or higher).
  • Original Quality: Don't compress / convert the video before uploading.
  • Frame Rate: Preferably over 30 FPS for smoother video.
Here is a community thread about recording Helldivers 2 videos: Essential Tips for Capturing the Best In-Game Footage for Video Editing

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Suggested Title 
Description of the video
Video Link
Please provide video files via external download link, such as Google Drive or easyupload.io.
Category *
Do you consent to your video being edited for the HellDadsHQ YouTube Channel? *
Please provide the name(s) you would like to be attributed in the video description (e.g., discord or player name):
All players visible in the video will be credited in the video description. Please ensure you provide correct names for anyone visible.
Does the video include voice recordings from other players? *
Copyright Notice
If your video contains any copyright-protected content (e.g., music, video clips, etc.) that is not free to use on YouTube, we cannot publish your video unless the content is removed or replaced. Please ensure all content in your video is either owned by you or properly licensed for use.
Thank You for Your Submission!

Your video will be reviewed by our team of volunteers. Please note the following:

  • We do not guarantee the publication of your footage.
  • We will check the video for any copyright violations.
  • We will review the video to ensure it aligns with our Code of Conduct.
  • You will be notified when we process and publish the video, depending on our availability.

Thank you for sharing your content with the HellDadsHQ community!

Ownership Confirmation
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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