One of Many: The Residency Experience 2025
Thank you for your interest!

We call this the "Residency Experience" because our time together will have ripple effects yet to be co-created, and opportunities to steward our shared collective wisdom in the months following our gathering. That said, part of the experience is an 11 day residency that will tentatively take place in May 2025. We will convene in the city of Amman, incubate in the Wadi Rum Desert, and integrate at the Dead Sea. 

This application will take about 15-30 min to complete. Applications are open on a rolling basis, upon acceptance you will receive information on creative development process, travel logistics, fees, etc. You will be hearing from us with an update on dates soon! 

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Full Name *
Email *
Where else can we find you online? (website, social media, etc.) *
What is your intention going into this Residency Experience? *
On a scale of 1-5, how centered is the concept of "water" in your current work? *
Not at all
It's what I'm all about
On a scale of 1-5, how centered is the concept of "healing" in your current work?
Not at all
It's what I'm all about
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On a scale of 1-5, how centered is the concept of "justice" in your current work?
Not at all
It's what I'm all about
On a scale of 1-5, how centered is the concept of "future ancestors" in your current work?
Not at all
it's what I'm all about
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Do you intend to integrate any of the above concepts more deeply into your work moving forward? *
Feel free to elaborate:
The residency includes 4 days in the Wadi Rum Desert in which you are invited to incubate a creative idea, project, or artifact. Do you have a sense of what you want to create? 

If you're not 100% clear, please share whatever comes up for you in this moment.
What does being a Future Ancestor mean to you? *
Anything else you feel called to share?
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