Creations for Charity: Donate a Creation Form
If you would like to donate a custom Lego creation to be listed for sale in the annual Creations for Charity fundraiser, please fill this form for each creation you are donating. We will then list your creation in our store between October 15th and November 30th and notify you by email when your creation sells so you can ship directly to the buyer.
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Email *
Your Name *
Country *
Name of your creation *
Description of your creation *
Quantity *
Add a link to the image of your creation (If you do not have a link, leave this blank and email images to, or we will reach out to request an image)
If you have a social media account such as Flickr or Instagram that you'd like us to link to in the item listing, please provide it here:
Minimum selling value (leave blank if you want us to determine that)
Will you be auctioning your creation on the 24-hour live stream? If you select yes, we will not list your creation in the store. Instead you will receive a link to join the stream during the 24-hour window to show and auction your creation to the viewers. If you are undecided, we will still send you a link to join the stream.
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Would you like to be reimbursed for the cost of building the creation? *
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, what is the amount (in USD) you would like to be reimbursed?
Would you like to be reimbursed for the cost of shipping your creation to the buyer? *
We send reimbursements through PayPal. What is your PayPal email address?
We would like to send you a printed brick unique to each year's fundraiser as a thank you gift if your creation sells. If you would like to receive the gift, please provide your shipping address.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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