Mental Health and Wellness for Nonprofit Leaders - Virtual Nonprofit Workshop
Steuben County Community Foundation's April 14th nonprofit capacity building workshop will now be held virtually. At a time when things are difficult and changing quickly, we feel this topic is more important than ever.

SCCF is working with Tami Mosier and Megan Peterson from Purdue Extension to provide a unique hybrid webinar, with videos walking through a variety of self-care tools and strategies to promote mental health and wellness. The webinar will include an interactive live workshop. This event is open to all nonprofit staff, board members, and volunteers serving Steuben County.

Please register for the workshop via the google form below. You will receive an email with a link to the Zoom meeting and instructions for the workshop. If you are not available at the time of the meeting but would like to watch it later, please register and we will send you a recording following the workshop.

SCCF recognizes that not all nonprofit leaders have access to the technology required to participate in this type of workshop. We plan to resume face-to-face trainings as soon as it is safe and advisable to do so.

Date: April 14, 2020 from 10:00-11:00am
Event Address: Held via Zoom - details will be shared with registrants in a follow-up email
Contact us at 260-665-6656 or
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