PDA Annual General Meeting and Election Night
Our Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday, March 10th at 5pm (held virtually over Zoom). We will be looking at the year 2020-2021 in review and the PDA will talk about its operations in this truly challenging pandemic year. There will be the opportunity for attendees to learn more about the PDA and to network with other postdocs. Most importantly, the Elections for the PDA Officer Positions will be held at the AGM.

Sign up here and we will e-mail you the zoom link closer to the date!

Do you want to join the PDA either as an elected officer or executive member?

We are excited to announce the call for nominations for candidates to be part of the UBC Postdoctoral Association’s 2021-2022 Executive Team!

-Represent the postdoc community
-Gain leadership and management experience
-Organize professional development, research and networking events
-Interact with big-name academics, advocates, and UBC leadership

The PDA is run by Elected Volunteer Officers (the President and 5 Vice-Presidents). All 6 positions will be elected for the 2021-2022 year (April 2021-March 2022) at our Annual General Meeting. A list of open positions and a description of their roles can be found on our blog.

All UBC postdocs and research associates are encouraged to attend the AGM on March 10th for the elections.

Do you want to join the PDA, but you are not committed to becoming an elected officer? No problem! We are always looking for new members for our executive team to help us organize our events and bring in new ideas! Just get in touch with us via e-mail.

Further details about the roles of the elected officers and the nomination procedure can be found on our blog. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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