Cosmic Conscious Reiki Certification Application
Blessings soul seeker!  Welcome to the Temples of Atlantis Cosmic Conscious Reiki Certification program! Please fill out this application to gauge if this program is right for you in our Mystery School.
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What is your name? *
Best email to connect with you? *
Where do you live and in what time zone? *
How did you hear about the Temples of Atlantis? *
Do you have a spiritually based business or practice? If so, what are your social media handles? *
What has the path of your spiritual awakening looked like thus far? *
Do you have any previous energy modalities under your belt? *
How have you taken steps to become a healed individual, what has that path looked like? *
Are you accustomed to working with energy?  Do you know about the chakras, the prana within our life force, and/or do you meditate regularly? *
Do you believe in life outside of our Earth realm? *
Would you consider yourself an open minded individual who respects the thoughts and feelings of others? *
What is drawing you to this course in particular? *
What challenges are you currently experiencing that the gift of Cosmic Conscious Reiki can help you with? *
Are you committed to this full year certification program that Initiates you into Cosmic Conscious Reiki? *
What are your plans when it comes to payment? *
Any thing else you would like to share to be considered for this program? *
Thank you so much for your time, we will get back to you with 2-3 business days.

Golden Atlantean blessings always!
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